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Appendix E

(Excluding instalments of arrears payable in 1978 and future years)

Member NationsArrears Payable in 1976 and priorPayable in1977Total
Afghanistan22 89116 31839 209
Benin13 51713 517
Bolivia2 90116 31819 219
Brazil358 715358 715
Bulgaria60 00060 000
Burma26 53526 535
Burundi6 8496 849
Cape Verde2 65016 31818 968
Central African Empire a50 77416 31867 092
Chad16 65216 652
Chile120 849120 849
Colombia73 15873 158
Congo a34 14016 31850 458
Cyprus13 57113 571
Democratic Kampuchea a39 02316 31855 341
Dominican Republic b44 11226 25370 365
Ecuador2 8392 839
Grenada18 96816 31835 286
Guinea13 24213 242
Haiti b24 29721 34645 643
Honduras13 57116 31829 889
India1 057 7341 057 734
Indonesia158 485158 485
Iran48 526203 975252 501
Israel40 896220 293261 189
Ivory Coast13 57113 571
Kenya13 92913 929
Lao 23 78723 787
Lebanon27 15327 153
Libya108 083108 083
Maldives13 90713 907
Mali12 18616 31828 504
Mauritania a31 00816 31847 326
Nicaragua13 57116 31829 889
Nigeria20 270106 067126 337
Pakistan109 448109 448
Paraguay b38 88123 63862 519
Peru63 12463 124
Philippines75 96875 968
Poland1 152 1961 152 196
Qatar13 90713 907
Romania101 272101 272
Sierra Leone21 72716 31838 045
Somalia11 09511 095
Spain929 268929 268
Sudan11 60211 602
Togo14 23814 238
Turkey21 279301 883323 162
Venezuela283 386283 386
Viet Nam4 10316 31820 421
Yemen Arab Republic23 78723 787
Yugoslavia309 124309 124
Zaire12 05212 052
Minor exchange differences3 1733 173
553 3486 304 2316 857 579

a Member Nations whose arrears exceed contributions due for two preceding calendar years and thus are in danger of losing their voting rights at the Nineteenth Session of the Conference (see paras 78-81 of CL 72/REP).

b Member Nations in arrears, with payments due under Conference Resolutions 39/75), 25/71 Haiti) and 26/71 (Paraguay) (see para. 82 of CL 72/REP).

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